2024 Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Taipei Joint Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Communications and Information Theory (AICIT2024)

The workshop is hosted by the Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) and IEEE Information Theory Society Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Taipei Chapters.

The goal is to bring together leading researchers in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Taipei regions to explore deep unsolved theoretical problems in information theory, communication, artificial intelligence and related fields.

This year, our workshop will feature talks by a number of distinguished researchers.

Time : July 20 and 21, 2024

Venue : Mr and Mrs Lau Tat Chuen Lecture Theatre (LT-5), 4/F University Concourse, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK), Hong Kong.

Download the Conference Handbook for more details.

The meeting videos are now available on YouTube (link) and Bilibili (link) and Huang Danian Chaspark (Prof. Raymond W. Yeung, Prof. En-Hui Yang, Prof. Cheuk Ting Li and Dr. Qiaosheng Zhang). Please feel free to watch them.


Call for Student Posters


Important Dates

Registration Deadline: June 30

Poster Submission Deadline: July 5

Note: If you have a poster, please print it with the A0 size (841mm (W) x 1189mm (H)). We will prepare suitable display units for you.

Contact Us




Computer Science department,
City University of Hong Kong
IEEE IT Society,
Hong Kong chapter
Guangzhou chapter
Taipei chapter

2024 Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Taipei Joint Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Communications and Information Theory